@article{eprints999, month = {December}, author = {Biplob Mallick and Bikram Biswas and Shanjay Kumar Mukharjee and Md. Shamsul Arefin}, year = {2021}, pages = {33--40}, publisher = {Scienceline Publication, Ltd}, number = {4}, volume = {11}, title = {Improving quality of teaching-learning in higher education in Bangladesh: does classroom management matter}, journal = {Journal of Educational and Management Studies}, keywords = {Effectiveness, Teaching-learning, Classroom Management, Higher Education, Bangladesh}, abstract = {This study aims to find out the importance of classroom management in ensuring the quality of teaching-learning process in higher education in Bangladesh. Classroom management and quality teaching are vice versa in education system while classroom management comprises a wide variety of techniques and skills used by teachers to keep students organized, efficient, focused, responsive and creative during a class. On the other hand, quality teaching influences to flourish the students? overall performance in education. Therefore, the effective classroom management in higher education is extremely important where students can learn in an environment without disruption.}, url = {http://eprints.science-line.com/id/eprint/999/} }