@article{eprints990, month = {March}, author = {Donatus Wea and Agustinus Kia Wolomasi and Basilius Redan Werang}, year = {2022}, pages = {1--7}, publisher = {Scienceline Publication, Ltd}, number = {1}, volume = {12}, title = {Working conditions and work performance of remote elementary school teachers}, journal = {Journal of Educational and Management Studies}, keywords = {Boven Digoel, Elementary school, Job performance, Teacher, Working conditions}, abstract = {Working conditions are a critical component in determining an employee's productivity as well as their ability to be efficient and successful. The purpose of this study was to characterize working conditions and their impact on the job performance of elementary school teachers in Boven Digoel district. Data were gathered using survey from 171 respondents, conveniently selected from a total of 536 elementary school teachers of Boven Digoel district. The gathered data were statistically analyzed using the program SPSS version 21. The findings indicated that the working conditions of the elementary school teachers of Boven Digoel district strongly affected their job performance. In addition, the research show that school principals and regional education policymakers must develop favorable working conditions for teachers in order to motivate them to contribute more than is necessary to educate the youth of nations.}, url = {http://eprints.science-line.com/id/eprint/990/} }