%K Anemia; Availability; Iron; Pigs; Veterinary drugs %X Antianemic drugs are used to prevent anemia, majorly iron deficiency anemia. Drugs with such pharmacological action are especially relevant for piglets, as animals of this species at this age are particularly sensitive to iron deficiency. The present investigation aimed at studying the pharmaceutical market of antianemic drugs registered in Ukraine during 2017-2022. It should be noted that if the drug is registered, it has been checked for safety according to the food industry standards of Ukraine. In 2017, the national market of veterinary iron-containing drugs was represented by 13 drugs from the group QB03A �Antianemic drugs. Drugs of iron�, according to the �ТС-vet classification. The range of these drugs by 38 was provided by pharmaceutical products of Ukrainian manufacturers: "O.L.KAR-AgroZooVet-Service", "Pharmaton", "Brovapharma", "Experimental production of the Institute of Epizootology", "Biopharm", and "Vetsintez". Imported products (62 ) were represented by Pharmacosmos, Merial, Koofavet, "Vugen B&G", "Biovet Pulawy", "Interchem Verken De Adelaar", and "Bioveta". In general, the modern pharmaceutical market of veterinary drugs in Ukraine during 2017�2022 was sufficiently provided with antianemic drugs for pigs and mostly imported drugs. The percentage of antianemic drugs of Ukrainian production prevailed in 2020, however the imported drugs of this pharmacological group's was higher in 2022. It can be concluded that the drugs of non-Ukrainian production predominated among antianemic drugs in Ukraine during 2017-2022. Based on the obtained results, we can state that in Ukraine there is a need for the development and/or production of domestic anti-anemic drugs. They must be effective and ensure a reduction in the dependence of the national pharmaceutical market of drugs of this group on foreign manufacturers. © (), (). All Rights Reserved. %D 2023 %J Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research %L eprints829 %O National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroyiv Oborony st., 15, Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine %N 4 %T AN INVESTIGATION ON AVAILABILITY AND EFFICACY OF ANTI-ANEMIC DRUGS FOR PIGS IN THE UKRAINIAN PHARMACEUTICALS %R 10.51227/ojafr.2023.40 %P 269-273 %V 13 %A I. Derkach %A S. Derkach %A V. Dukhnytskyi %A O. Valchuk %A Y. Zhuk %A N. Slobodyanyuk %A V. Kondratiuk %A S. Gryshchenko %A M. Gudzenko %A T. Rozbytska %A M. Gruntovskyi %I Scienceline Publication