@article{eprints793, month = {June}, author = {D.K. Benmaarouf and A. Laieb and B. China and N. Khouchane and M.H. Ben-Mahdi}, year = {2023}, pages = {258--263}, note = {Unit for evaluating the efficacy of pharmacological molecules and developing alternative strategies, Animal Health and Production Research Laboratory, Ecole Nationale Sup{\~A}{\copyright}rieure V{\~A}{\copyright}t{\~A}{\copyright}rinaire, Algiers, Algeria; Department of Veterinary Zoology, Jardin d'essai El Hamma, Algiers, Algeria; Sciensano, Belgian institute of Helath, Wystmanstreet 14, Brussels, 1050, Belgium}, publisher = {Scienceline Publication, Ltd}, number = {2}, volume = {13}, title = {Effectiveness of Solenostemma Argel Extract on Dermanyssus Gallinae in Budgies (Melopsittacus undulatus)}, journal = {World's Veterinary Journal}, keywords = {antiparasitic agent; plant extract; Solenostemma argel extract; unclassified drug, animal experiment; animal model; animal scales; animal tissue; antifungal activity; antiparasitic activity; aqueous solution; Article; budgerigar; clinical examination; controlled study; Dermanyssus gallinae; Dermanyssus gallinae infestation; drug efficacy; drug safety; eradication therapy; feather pecking; feces; female; fungal superinfection; hygiene; loss of appetite; Malassezia sympodialis; male; medicinal plant; microscopy; nonhuman; parasite clearance; physiological stress; plant leaf; powder; pruritus; restlessness; sanitation; Solenostemma argel; superinfection}, abstract = {Dermanyssus gallinae (D. gallinae) is an important ectoparasite in veterinary and human medicine due to its role as a vector of infectious disease-causing pathogens and its economic impact. The present study reported the infestation of 45 budgies (Melopsittacus undulatus) reared in an aviary at the Jardin d{\^a}??essai Zoo, Algiers, Algeria, showing signs of pruritus with sores due to itching. Skin samples were taken from the 45 budgies (26 females, 19 males), 26 nests, and an aviary containing the budgies were microscopically analyzed. The findings indicated the presence of D. gallinae (hematophagous mite) in all budgies and nests. To fight against this red mite, a treatment based on the Solenostemma argel (S. argel) aqueous extract was implemented. The S. argel aqueous extract 2 showed a fast and effective influence on D. gallinae mites present in the budgies, nests, and aviary. The aqueous extract of S. argel leaves could be a good candidate in the fight against red mites. {\^A}{\copyright} 2023, World''s Veterinary Journal. All Rights Reserved.}, url = {http://eprints.science-line.com/id/eprint/793/} }