%K Actemra, Antiviral medicines, ARCoV, AstraZeneca, ChulaCov19, CoronaVac, COVID-19, CureVac, CytoSorb, Ivermectin, Moderna, Oleandrin, Pfizer, Remdesivir, Ritonavir, Vaccines. %X Introduction. The global devastating pandemic coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a worldwide multisystemic infection caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which has emerged as a menace to the global public health and countries economy. There is a crucial necessity for the suggestion of effective drugs to eliminate the virus outbreak. Several candidate drugs with existing emerging evidence try to offer a pharmacological strategy that may inhibit infection in COVID-19 patients. By, October 2020, scientists have nominated some reliable and safe types of coronavirus vaccines like Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CureVac, CoronaVac, etc. that are effective and showed 95% to 90% protection, respectively. Aim. This review highlights important clinical and in vitro studies, uses of potent antiviral drugs and most recent vaccines against COVID-19 disease. %D 2020 %J Journal of Life Science and Biomedicine %L eprints559 %N 06 %T Recent drugs and vaccine candidates to tackle COVID-19 %R https://dx.doi.org/10.51145/jlsb.2020.9 %P 70-79 %V 10 %A Ehsan GHARIB MOMBENI %A Mahshad YOUSEFI %A Saeid CHEKANI-AZAR %A Mohamed Samy ABOUSENNA %A Kosar ARMIN %A Fatemeh SHAVANDI %A Elham EMAMI %A Yadollah BAHRAMI %I Scienceline Publications, Ltd