@article{eprints515, month = {September}, author = {R. R. Sadek and S. Abou-Bakr and A. A. Nigm and M. Abd El-Aziz Mohamed Ibrahim and M. M. Badr and M. A. A. Awad}, year = {2021}, pages = {489--497}, publisher = {Scienceline Publication, Ltd}, number = {3}, volume = {11}, title = {Evaluation of Milk Yield and Reproductive Performance of Pure Holstein and Its F1 Crossbreds with Montbeliarde in Egypt}, journal = {World's Veterinary Journal}, keywords = {Crossbreeding, Egypt, Holstein, Milk Yield, Montbeliarde, Reproduction}, abstract = {The present study was carried out to compare the milk yield and reproductive performance of pure Holstein (HO) cows with those of their first generation (F1) crossbreds with Montbeliarde cows (MO) in four commercial dairy herds under Egyptian conditions. Data used in the current study comprised 2268 records for the first four lactations of 531 HO and 536 MO {$\times$} HO F1 crossbred cows during the period between 2012 and 2020. Data were analyzed using the least squares method by XLSTAT software. The MO {$\times$} HO crossbred cows were significantly superior compared with pure HO cows for 305-day milk yield, scoring 9210 {$\pm$} 96 kg versus 7987 {$\pm$} 149 kg. Moreover, MO {$\times$} HO F1 crossbred cows had a significantly higher daily milk yield (30.0 {$\pm$} 0.45 kg) than pure HO cows (25.9 {$\pm$} 0.52 kg). However, pure HO cows had significantly greater days in milk (399 {$\pm$} 6 days) than MO {$\times$} HO crossbred cows (341 {$\pm$} 5.2 days). With regard to reproductive performance, MO {$\times$} HO F1 crossbred cows had significantly less number of services per conception and days open than pure HO cows (2.6 {$\pm$} 0.16 vs. 3.7 {$\pm$} 0.18) and (132 {$\pm$} 5.2 days vs. 190 {$\pm$} 6 days), respectively. However, the statistical difference between MO {$\times$} HO F1 crossbred cows and pure HO cows for age at first calving was not significant (22.9 {$\pm$} 0.11 vs. 23.1 {$\pm$} 0.15 months, respectively). It can be concluded that under Egyptian subtropical conditions, the first generation of MO {$\times$} HO crossbred cows exhibit better performance, compared to pure HO cows in milk yield and reproductive traits. These findings could provide an effective strategic option for the genetic improvement of dairy cattle in hot subtropical regions.}, url = {http://eprints.science-line.com/id/eprint/515/} }