@article{eprints472, month = {June}, author = {L. Lovri{\'c} and M. Kreszinger and M. Pe{\'c}in}, year = {2020}, pages = {137--145}, publisher = {Scienceline Publication, Ltd}, number = {2}, volume = {10}, title = {Surgical treatment of canine femoral fractures-A review}, journal = {World's Veterinary Journal}, keywords = {Dog, Femur, Fracture, Osteosynthesis.}, abstract = {Femoral fractures in dogs and cats account for 20-25\% of all fractures for which surgical treatment is a method of choice. Surgical treatment is based upon biological principle of open anatomic reduction and osteosynthesis. Arbeitsgemeinschaft f{\"u}r Osteosynthesefragen (AO) classification of fractures has a widespread use in general. Present study discusses different methods of osteosynthesis and healing process based on special cases managed in a certain small animal clinic in Hollabrunn, Austria, in 2016. The level of femoral fracture and the chosen method of osteosynthesis are shown respectively. According to available literature and author?s personal observations during externship period, the best results have been achieved using minimally invasive surgery. The surgical method choice depends on type, level and complexity of fracture, surgical skills and equipment of the team providing care respectively.}, url = {http://eprints.science-line.com/id/eprint/472/} }