%K Broiler, Breeders, Water loss, Chick yield, DIS, Mal-Formation/Mal-Position %X Water loss, chick yield and DIS analysis are all important factors in quality investigation of both the chick and hatchery performance. The age of breeders affect the hatchability, egg weight, chick weight water loss, Candling and DIS. In this experiment the broiler breeder were divided into three groups on the basis of age, young (24-30 weeks), prime (31-50 weeks) and old (51+ weeks) to investigate the effects of hatchability , egg weight, chick weight , Water loss, chick yield and DIS along mal-position and mal-formations. Hatchability (81.98±1.1, 88.44±1.6, 79.60±1.6), candling (10.25±1.25, 6.44±0.88, 10.73±1.25), DIS (7.7±0.4, 5.1±0.6, 9.6±0.6), water loss (11.29±0.11, 11.77±0.16, 12.13±0.16), egg weight (57.2±0.5, 64.2±0.7, 70.5±0.7), chick weight (39.4±0.3, 43.9±0.5, 48.15±0.5) were significantly (P< 0.001) different for young, prime and old groups respectively. For crack eggs (0.5 ±0.12, 0.5±0.17, 1.1±0.17) and contaminated eggs (0.63 ±0.09, 0.50±0.12, 1.31±0.12) young and prime were significantly (P< 0.0001) better then old. Young, prime and old were significantly different for early embryonic mortality (3.07±0.3, 3.46±0.2, 4.55±0.3) respectively, while for mid (1.04±0.13, 0.53±0.09, 1.0±0.13) and late embryonic mortality (3.77±0.4, 2.58±0.2, 3.28±0.4) prime was significantly better than young and old. Range of hatch window was 20-24 hours for prime and old while 20-22 hours for young. Mal-Position and Mal-Formation were significantly identical for all three groups. Mal-Position and Mal-Formation were 1.5% and 0.5% for total eggs set respectively. %D 2017 %J World's Veterinary Journal %L eprints454 %N 2 %T Effect of broiler breeders age on hatchability, candling, water loss, chick yield and dead in shell %R http://dx.doi.org/10.5455/wvj.20170493 %P 40-46 %V 7 %A A. Jabbar %A Y. A. Ditta %I Scienceline Publication, Ltd