%K Borax, Cerebrum, Cloudy swelling, Necrosis %X The present study aimed to determine the effects of borax (Na2B4O7.10H2O) addition on the changes of histological cerebrum imaging in the brains of white mice (Rattus norvegicus). The current research was an experimental study with randomization of 24 white mice that were divided into four treatment groups with five replications. Borax was dissolved for each treatment with a dose of 19 mg/mouse/day, 26 mg/mouse/day, and 37 mg/mouse/day, and it was administered orally for 14 days. Then, it was analyzed statistically using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The statistical analysis results suggested that there were significantly different results in each treatment group. The control treatment with an administration dose of 26 mg/rat/day had a significantly different result in the worst cloudy swelling degeneration of cerebrum in histopathology imaging on Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus). Using the Mann-Whitney test, it was found that the dose of borax at 37 mg/rat/day led to significant difference, compared to the other treatment groups, which means that 37 mg/rat/day of borax caused the worst pyramidal cell necrosis in histopathology imaging of the cerebrum on white mice. Borax exposure on Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) can cause cloudy swelling at a dose of 26mg/head/day, and pyramidal cell necrosis at a dose of 37 mg/head/day. %D 2021 %J World's Veterinary Journal %L eprints409 %N 3 %T The Effects of Borax (NA2B4O710H2O) on Histopathology of Wistar Rats’ Cerebrum (Rattus norvegicus) %R https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2021.wvj62 %P 484-488 %V 11 %A F. Elfan %A S. Kuncorojakti %A N. Triakoso %I Scienceline Publication, Ltd