@article{eprints405, month = {June}, author = {V. Dukhnytskyi and V. Sokolyuk and N. Kozii and I. Ligomina and V. Karpyuk and V. Honcharenko}, year = {2021}, pages = {208--214}, publisher = {Scienceline Publication, Ltd}, number = {2}, volume = {11}, title = {Assessing the Chronic Poisoning of White Mice Affected by Mospilan RP and Actara 25 WG}, journal = {World's Veterinary Journal}, keywords = {Actara 25 WG, Chronic Toxicity, Insecticides Toxicity, Mospilan PP, Neonicotinoids, White Mice}, abstract = {Neonicotinoids are a relatively small group of organic compounds that are widely used in crop production as insecticides. They are highly toxic to insects, and much less toxic to mammals, including humans. Accordingly, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of chronic toxicity of insecticides from the group of neonicotinoids Mospilan RP (active substance acetamiprid) and Actara 25 WG (active substance thiamethoxam) on white mice. The chronic toxicity was induced by daily internal introduction of Mospilan RP and Actara 25 WG to mice for 30 days at the doses of 1/10 of Median Lethal Dose reported as 65 and 363 mg/kg of body weight, respectively. The affected mice showed thrombocytosis, neutrophilic leukocytosis, and lymphocytopenia. Blood plasma hyperproteinemia in mice treated with Mospilan RP and Actara 25 WG was characterized by an increase in globulins content by almost 30.0\% in both groups. In Mospilan RP and Actara 25 WG treated groups, there was a reduction in urea content by 43.6\% and 31.5\%, respectively, an increase in aspartate aminotransferase activity by 80\% and 60.0\%, and {\ensuremath{\gamma}}-glutamyltranspeptidase by 80\% and almost 400\%, respectively. Compared to the control group, the activity of alanine aminotransferase increased to 23.0\% only in mice that were given Mospilan RP but not in mice that were given Actara 25 WG.}, url = {http://eprints.science-line.com/id/eprint/405/} }