@article{eprints308, author = {R. T. Safiullin and R. R. Safiullin and E. O. Kachanova}, volume = {9}, title = {Systematic program for destroying of flies' population in poultry farm under battery cage management in Russia}, publisher = {Scienceline Publication, Ltd}, number = {4}, pages = {175--179}, year = {2019}, month = {December}, journal = {Journal of World's Poultry Research}, keywords = {Adulticide, Economical Efficacy, Fly Larvae, Intensefficacy, Larvicide, Zoophilous Flies}, url = {http://eprints.science-line.com/id/eprint/308/}, abstract = {Favorable conditions for development, reproduction, and accumulation of large amounts of zoophilous flies in commercial poultry farms are caused by incomplete compliance with veterinary and sanitary rules for growing in cage facilities. The purpose of the study was to test a systematic insecticidal program for destroying flies? populations using adulticide and larvicide drugs in poultry farms under battery cage management. The number of imago flies in hen houses was dynamically evaluated using flypapers, six flypapers in each hen house, situated in different levels above the floor. Flypapers were removed and the number of stuck insects was counted. The number of larvae was evaluated in dynamics by specimen testing from the floor area 10x10 cm, with weight of 3-5 g. The Quick Bayt WG 10\% was applied to destroy the imago of flies. Baycidal? WP 25\% was used against larvae of flies. Complex insecticide program Quick Bayt WG 10\% + Baycidal? WP 25\% provided the opportunity to destroy flies, with a significant difference in intensefficacy, (98.3 \% for adult flies and 99.8 \% for larvae). Furthermore, this program had a positive impact on economic indicators of meat production of broilers. The present study demonstrated high preventive efficacy and economical efficacy of complex program against flies under battery cage broiler management.} }