%X With an increased level of salty and saline land in the region around Lake Urmia followed by powerful winds and the creation of salt dust, the agricultural lands of the region progressively move towards salinization and eventually desertification. Environmental adverse effects of salt dust in the dried areas of the lake, which is the chief source of this problem, can be minimized by drainage. In more detail, by continual or sporadic flooding methods or by sprinkler irrigation and precipitation, soluble salts can be washed from saline soil profiles. Object-oriented image analysis (OBIA) techniques are one of the latest means of satellite image processing in the scope of remote sensing. These techniques have significant potential in soil science studies. The application of soil improvers to advance the physical and structural characteristics of the soil is quite common. This study is of review and descriptive type, and the collection of resources in this study was a library method and by reviewing Internet resources. The results of this research suggest relevant architectural and urban design solutions to reduce physical vulnerability to storms. In this respect, solutions have been given. %K Salt Storm, Architectural Solutions, Soil Improvers, Climate %V 8 %P 19-29 %N 2 %R doi:10.51148/jaas.2019.4 %A Zahra Farzaneh %A Shabnam Akbari Namdar %D 2019 %J Journal of Art and Architecture Studies %I Scienceline Publication, Ltd %T Architectural solutions to reduce the effects of salt storms %L eprints1044