@article{eprints1023, month = {December}, author = {Samireh KADAEI}, year = {2023}, pages = {27--34}, publisher = {Scienceline Publication, Ltd}, number = {2}, volume = {12}, title = {A review of limitations and future challenges in optimization of energy in sustainable high-rise buildings}, journal = {Journal of Art and Architecture Studies}, keywords = {Energy, Sustainable Architecture, High-Rise Building.}, abstract = {Sustainability has been one of architecture?s most significant trends over the last twenty years. Environmental consciousness of professionals has put sustainability at the heart of the architectural profession and has contributed to adopting and implementing sustainable designs on the scale of urban landscapes. Buildings consume 40\% of global energy, in which high-rise buildings account for a significant proportion of the total energy used. Hence, present study reviews limitations and future challenges in optimization of energy in sustainable high-rise buildings. Results of this study show that budget limitations, managerial and organizational policies, legal issues, technical and scientific infrastructure, and cultural and geographical aspects are all affecting the widespread use from energy optimization in current high-rise buildings and need to be considered in future studies.}, url = {http://eprints.science-line.com/id/eprint/1023/} }