%K Strategy, Empowerment, Employee performance, Change management %X As businesses evolve to outpace their competitors, so do their expectations of their employees' performance. An employee is a critical element of an organization, and their overall performance can determine its achievements or failures. Because of the constantly changing business environment, every business has its way of doing things. Therefore, these changes require the manager to adopt internal changes that affect employee performance, thus increasing organizational growth, etc. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of change management strategies on job performance and empower employees of electronics administrative department in the Islamic Azad University (IAU). The statistical population of the research included 200 administrative employees of electronics department of IAU (60 female and 140 male). Data analysis was done using SPSS software and regression coefficients. The results showed that the use of change management strategies has a positive and significant effect on the job performance and empowerment of the of the IAU administrative department’s employees from Electronics Unit. For future studies, we suggest to increase the statistical population and perform the study on more diverse organizations. %D 2023 %J Journal of Educational and Management Studies %L eprints1015 %N 3 %T The effect of applying change management strategies on job performance and empowering employees of the administrative department of Islamic Azad University %R doi:10.54203/jems.2023.4 %P 37-43 %V 13 %A Hanieh Ghaffarzadeh Arallooyekouchak %A Motahar Safaei %I Scienceline Publication, Ltd