%X Since teachers and school leaders can establish cooperation and interaction to improve student performance, distributed leadership becomes a practical necessity of the education system. Study on distributed leadership is still in its infancy and needs to be improved. This study aimed to determine the relationship between distributed leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment based on secondary schools in Baiyun district in Guangzhou city, China. This study conducted using the quantitative survey approach. The respondents for study, who comprised of 98 teachers, were selected through random sampling from 2 secondary schools. The data of the study has been collected by using 22 items of Distributed Leadership Inventory which was developed by Hulpia et al. (2009), and 15 items of Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) which was developed by Mowday (1979). The data analysis using Descriptive Statistics, Independent Sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation with SPSS version 22. According to the findings of the study, there were no differences between gender and teaching work experience towards organizational commitment. In addition, there was a positive relationship between school distributed leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment. Besides, school principals’ distributed leadership significantly predict teachers’ organizational commitment. According to these findings, it is recommended that school leaders, in addition to sharing the clear vision, should also conduct decentralized leadership for teachers, regardless of gender or teaching work experience. %K Distributed Leadership, Organizational Commitment, Support, Supervision, Leadership Team, Secondary School Teachers %V 9 %P 01-05 %N 1 %R doi:10.51475/jems.2019.1 %A Shoruok Mohammed Farag Mohammed Aboudahr %A Liu Jiali %D 2019 %J Journal of Educational and Management Studies %I Scienceline Publication, Ltd %T The relationship between distributed leadership and teachers organizational commitment in Guangzhou city, China %L eprints1011